Tragic Hero

Tragic hero is a literary device utilized to create a protagonist for a tragic work of literature. A tragic hero is a character that represents the consequences that come from possessing one or more personal flaws or being doomed by a particular fate. Traditionally, the purpose of tragic hero as a literary device is to evoke pity and/or fear in an audience through the protagonist’s flaw and consequential downfall.

Aristotle categorized the characteristics of classic tragic hero in Greek drama as, in general, a male character of noble birth who experiences a reversal of fortune due to a tragic flaw. In addition, the realization of this flaw evokes sympathy from an audience. For example, Oedipus Rex, the title character of Sophocles’ tragedy, is considered a classic tragic hero. Oedipus experiences a terrible downfall due to hubris as his tragic flaw. As a result, the audience is left to sympathize with his tragic fate.

Week 1:
• experimenting with camrea, testing etc

• Use the word document task to help you to brainstorm how you might fit into the Tragic Hero archetype.

• Think about subtleties, re-watch the Losers and tragic heroes video to help.
• Mindmap, evaluate, extract, write reflectively, think conceptually!

• Do this first, then you can start thinking visually!
• Make sure you have Nuke installed on your home machine
(refer to the Nuke licence and instructions on moodle)

Week 2:
• Start sketching and finding visual solutions to
communicate your idea

• Use the TV series Glow Up for inspiration and ideas
• Take your portrait photographs (if you haven’t already)
• Do the Nuke tutorials.
• Start looking for textures (if necessary)- granite for freckles, scars and brusies ,
• Start building your digital portrait in photoshop

Week 3:
• Do the rotoscoping tutorials
• Continue with your digital portrait- freckles, tatt, scars
• Film your footage
• Convert your footage (if necessary)
• Try out some rotoscoping on your own footage
• Start thinking about sound (if you have not already)
• If time, start building your model with FaceBuilder

Week 4:
• Build your model with FaceBuilder (using the portrait
• Using TextureBuilder, create your texture and apply it to
your model.
• Make any adjustments you need to the texture/ digital
• If time, start tracking using FaceTracker