out of your head

I could fight before I could walk. What they made of me.  Violence, the answer to everything.  Soon, fights turned into murder. I lived in the shadows. Then I faded into them. I am nothing but a silhouette. Now reminiscing-  (maybe the ghost can have a voice too, do some noises?) (vocoder calling her name)… Continue reading out of your head

week 6- motion graphics

after effects short film – CONNECTION https://artslondon-my.sharepoint.com/:v:/g/personal/k_ho0220211_arts_ac_uk/ERAT7m3H165Ki1sLjV5n7XABQTftG3o3Joqk6onhUHDujQ?e=FOLoS8 what connection feels like to me. how eveyrone tries to reach out and connect with the world constantly but often neglecting connecting with the inner self first. how I connect with myself through martial arts ,

week 5- 3d story world!

https://artslondon.padlet.org/kho0220211/3nn30anc9o34lr0j https://pin.it/5zG5O3F – pintrest https://artslondon-my.sharepoint.com/:u:/g/personal/k_ho0220211_arts_ac_uk/ERtXjM1U7XxGm4M-ETW_0XsBT13GuUK3O7Sb-mIFsCoFRA – link to compressed file for final submission.

week 4 -character design

sketches from mondays lesson homeowrk for tuesday –PROMT 2- down under- men at work very rough sketches- inspired by aboriginal australian tribes sumo match – Sumo Fight 1 – Awesome HD

week 3 -creative writing

So you say “Dude I’m fine stop being paranoid, i’m fucking immortal“. Here I am today standing in a field with your pale purple, fragile body. A field so lonely I can almost hear your broken soul screaming .  When I was twelve, we both lost our mothers. All because I pulled that damn gate… Continue reading week 3 -creative writing

week 2 -sound

first task: 20 sec film of 10 footages- focus on sound overwhelming, fast paced lifestyle in London. captures my journey from uni to training and back home premiere pro and voice memos , played around with video effects and audio effects eg ambience, dialogue, reverb , speed and pitch etc. second task- 3x 10 secs… Continue reading week 2 -sound