POV film


2021 Project Brief: Point of View
nd/3rd December 2021
SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT: Thursday 9th December 2021 by 3pm (1500 GMT)

‘Point of View’ (POV)
This is a project that will form the beginning, we hope, of a conversation between you and the rest of the world. It is a place to begin thinking about your
practice as an animator, as a maker, as a communicator. It is about applying that practice, developing your voice as a storyteller, and further refining
your way of seeing and speaking.
Your work should always stand as a response to something.
You are to create a short film (THIRTY SECONDS duration) that deals with, and speaks to, an issue or subject you feel strongly about.
It could be about something very small, overlooked, negligible (think about Anna Mantzaris’ – Enough.)
It could be about a particular social issue (Knives Down. Bikes Up – Matt Dempsey)
It could be about a particular passion (Have a look at Hands Up/Chin Down by Matt Houghton, or Life in Miniature by Ellen Evans)
It could deal with grief, loss, longing (consider Michael Dudock de Wit’s Father and Daughter),
It could deal with wider global issues: the environmental crisis, human rights, abortion; it could look at body image (see Human Form by Doyon Noh, or
Caterpilarplasty by David Barlow-Krelina ). Police brutality/racism/BLM (Catherine Anyango Grunewald: Live, moments ago – about the death of
Michael Brown, or Yellow Fever by Ngendo Mukki, Wake Up Sam Parish-Rookes); on nationalism, feminism (In our Skin by Rosa Beiroa); mental
health/identity (look at Shadow Passage by Ali Aschman).
They all look to create work that feels truthful: authentic to their own experience, to their unique identity, as a human being, and as an artist/maker.
They all aim to make meaning, to challenge what appears self-evident and familiar and make it strange. To do that well, we must start with ourselves.
We want to see you truly engage in the process of investigation and exploration.

This film can be about any issue or subject that you want to highlight and ‘own’ creatively. It should reflect your views, your passions, your
sensibilities. It should shine a light on your consciousness and what you want to stand for or against. We want to see what makes you feel something –
impassioned/angry/active, etc, and we want your film to make us feel something of that too.

Remember animation is about anything that moves or suggests movement. We are NOT expecting a highly accomplished piece of digital film-making
at this early stage. We welcome and celebrate raw creativity, and above all, an experimental approach that will surprise us, and subvert our

You could explore mixed media in an interesting way, you could think about ways of using collage, hand-drawn images, photographs, live action, text in
image and text as image (have a look at the spoken word artist, Billy Collins’ film ‘Hunger’), you could incorporate live action in interesting ways; sound
and silence, scale, colour, shape (look at the work of Norman McClaren) You could go in a completely abstract direction and try to make us ‘feel’
something through pure light, colour movement and sound.

SUMMATIVE ASSESSMENT (assessed hand in) by 3pm (15:00) GMT December 9th, 2021 via Moodle:
You will submit a design and word-based portfolio in the form of a simple 3-4 pg landscape format pdf to Moodle to include:
• An embedded link to your final ‘Point of View’ film – this must be embedded in your MyBlog
• 200 words that contextualise and reflect on your final film and explore how your learning so far has moved you forward in your practice, your approach, and your thinking.
o The film should be 30 seconds
o Widescreen 1920 x 1080
o A simple title card and your name. No extended credits please!
• Consider making the pdf document more ‘visual’ by including an image or two from the film. Remember to put your name and unit title on the front page